SprayCork is a revolutionary new product designed to reduce condensation and prevent black spot mould in housing and commercial buildings.
Developed in the UK, SprayCork is a breathable, flexible, weather resistant coating for external and internal use on commercial and domestic buildings.
The product acts as an insulating, thermal barrier to provide a long-lasting weatherproof finish.

SprayCork is easy to apply and adheres to virtually any surface so it can be used as a coating to spray over – and remedy – hairline cracks and rough surfaces or on roofs to provide a thermal weatherproof barrier without the extra weight of traditional materials.
SprayCork is distributed in the UK through a nationwide team of independent approved applicators.
For further details, visit www.CorkSolUK.com.
#sustainableconstruction #architecturedesign #architecturedaily #retrofit #sustainablematerials #socialhousing #dampproofing #condensationcontrol #mouldprevention #mouldremediation